Thursday, February 11, 2021

somewhere north

I’m fortunate enough to have the opportunity to visit the northern part of the world on an occasion. I would rather not mention why I'm here but this rare opportunity has given me the chance to view the most beautiful scenery on earth.

It’s impossible to say whether this Northern part of the world is actually more beautiful in summer or in winter, although it’s certainly much more accessible and easily travelled during the warmer season.
The walk there alone makes the journey worth the effort, with frozen lake on your right and some very impressive historic buildings on the left.

It’s only my first day here and more to see in days to come.

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kesian HR ku

Sering kali kita mendengar “it’s the prerogative of the boss to decide” dalam hal perjalanan syarikat . Sememang pun mereka ini dipertanggungjawabkan bagi menguruskan perjalanan syarikat bagi memastikan syarikat bolih meraih keuntungan sejajar dengan matlamat dan kemahuan ahli lembaga pengarah.

Acap kali individu dalam pengurusan ditukarkan atau diganti bila perolihan syarikat tidak mencapai tahap sasaran. Ada juga mereka yang di kambing-hitamkan bagi menyelamatkan individu yang sebenarnya bersalah dalam sesuatu urusan tetapi olih kerana “prerogative” yang dimiliki tadi membolihkannya menyalahkan orang lain demi menyelamatkan mereka dari kesalahan yang mereka sendiri timbulkan. Inilah hakikat nya bilamana pagar yang diharapkan bagi melindungi ,tapi pagar sendiri pula yang makan padi.

Suka juga dikaitkan disini tentang individu yang ditugaskan untuk merencana sesuatu program waima dalam urusan untuk menentukan dipihak mana sepatutnya kelebihan itu memihak.Disini perlu difikirkan kepada siapa kelebihan itu perlu diserah. Dipihak majikan atau dipihak pekerja. Apalah sangat kelebihan itu (kalau nak dikatakan kelebihan) kepada pihak majikan jika dibandingkan dengan kegembiraan dan kesyukuran yang amat dirasakan dipihak pekerja.

Sering kali juga di persembahkan cadangan cadangan “austerity” dimana ketara nya cuma dipihak pekerja sahaja yang terbabit sedangkan dipihak pengurusan ianya tidak diguna pakai langsung. Inilah barangkali disebut “double standard” atau “appartied” kalau di Afrika Selatan suatu ketika dahulu. Pertanggungjawaban ini sewajarnya lah dipikul olih sang cerdik pandai di HR. Selamilah sikit kemahuan dan kelohan hati nuraini saudara saudara kita yang tak punya peluang untuk menyuarakan rintihan hati masing masing olih kerana peluang yang terbatas. Apalah guna nya dan faedahnya kita di HR kalau bukan untuk membantu rakan taulan kita yang sememangnya tiada ruang untuk didengari rintihan mereka. Natijah nya ialah jangan dibiarkan diri diperkudakan dan sebarang cadangan hanya untuk melegakan hati pihak pengurusan semata mata demi untuk kepentingan diri pihak yang mencadang. Nak syor adakan debat.

Wednesday, July 30,2008

pantun hari mengundi

Ke hulu berenang ke hilir berakit
Merentas lautan tiada sempadan
Tujuh yang tumbang lapan kan bangkit
Menempuh dugaan demi perjuangan

Mahathir's comments

1. I must congratulate the Government of Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi for allowing the debate between the Opposition and the Government, specifically between Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Dato Shabery Cheek.
2. It was not an even match. Shabery is far too inexperienced in a field that Anwar excels i.e. talking. The subject naturally puts the Government on the defensive.
3. Shabery's reference to what Anwar said about me in the past undermined Anwar's credibility somewhat. But it was obvious that Shabery was nervous.

Taken from

Thursday, July 17,2008

The debate

What a debate we had last night between PKR de facto & Information Minister. Looking at the event reminds me of the US presidential nomination candidate for Democrat Obama vs Hillary. Through this event giving both side opportunity to opine their views and concerns and correct any misdoing or provide proposals of “DOs” and “DON’Ts”. Appreciations should be given to both sides of having the courage to point out their views and on the other side maintaining the government’s move. With PKR de facto maintaining his usual charismatic appearance and spoke eloquently has attracted the attention of the audience. Both side given their side of a story with Anwar recommending the fuel price reduction by 50 cent per litre on the next day if Pakatan Rakyat were to form the government. Rebutting Anwar’s arguments, Ahmad Shabery said Anwar’s proposal was no longer relevant because of the oil price in the world market is higher than before the PRU12.
Anyway, I would see this debate as the starting point for a more open and democratic Malaysia. Congratulations and thumbs up to the organizer.

Wednesday, July 16,2008.

petikan dari debat

"Percayalah sebagaimana yang saya katakan tadi, dalam kesusahan yang ada sekarang.. rakyat cukup makan." -Ahmad Shabery Cheek"

Bila nak tolong orang miskin, subsidi. Bagaimana tentang prasarana infrastruktur? Berpuluh billion ringgit yang disediakan untuk pedagang-pedagang, untuk industri, untuk pelabuhan, bukankah itu satu bentuk subsidi? Prasarana disediakan dengan jumlah yang besar kita sebut insentif. Tolong rakyat miskin dengan subsidi minyak, kita panggil subsidi. Jumlah nak tampung kerugian PERWAJA, MAS dan pelbagai bill-out, kita sebut bill-out, bantuan menyelamatkan ekonomi. Nak bantu nelayan dan petani dan melayu miskin, namanya subsidi dan subsidi itu namanya cukup negatif dan busuk sekali..."- Anwar Ibrahim

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


To whom it may concern.
This is the result of what I term as an excellent planning from our side. Always we are told to optimize so as to achieve the most favorable in design and cost. We have been forced sometimes to carry over or even simplified (for the sake of cost) components which are not really engineering in favor. We even being fed by TPS which can change within hours. Not to blame anyone here but it’s just frustrating to know at the very last minute the vast changes needed to be done. Enough to scrap all the hard work. It would really make a difference if any requirements is spelt out in the very early stage. It’s always easy to say to design protect (when you are not in designing world). But one knows design protect means extra cost and extra weight. This is the last thing design engineers wanted.
We know from the start that countries like UK and Australia is always the target market for our product. It’s the best benchmarking targets in terms of regulatory requirements. Some how due to impress everyone this market requirements are always denied and left behind (as far as tech requirement is concern).To show that how lenient our market requirement would be and should be translated to the design and cost. Sad to say we are always the victim on this purportedly actions. I guess there’s a need to change and move forward from now on. No need to camouflage just for the sake of achieving target cost but at the end of the day still targeted cost couldn’t be achieved due to the extra reinforcement and material used in the last minute corrections. What needed to be done is to be realistic in defining targets, be it in cost and in weight.
Sorry, it’s just to pen my thoughts and concerns.
Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit.

Monday, July 14,2008

suatu muhassabah

Di zaman serba moden dan serba canggih ini pelbagai ragam serta perbuatan yang dilakukan manusia. Ada yang baik dan tidak kurang juga yang mungkar. Manusia akan mirip kepada yang disukai mau pun yang disokong bila di tanya apa pandangan atau pendirian masing masing. Khabar musuh selalunya buruk, khabar penyokong selalunya baik. Kita selalu mendengar cerita musuh kita daripada mulut musuhnya, dan kita kurang mendengar cerita musuh kita daripada orang yang adil terhadapnya. Sementara yang adil itu pula sedikit jua. Ini lah sebenar nya punca kepada permasalahan ini. Sentimen terhadap seseorang itu akan mengaburi hati nurani dan akhirnya keputusan membuta tuli akan melenyapkan hakiki maka bercambah lah pelbagai teori ciptaan manusia yang semakin menjarakkan manusia itu dengan sang pencipta. Manusia di anugerahkan illahi dengan akal fikiran yang tidak dianugerahkan kepada makhluk makhluk yang lain. Kita juga dihadiahkan dengan al-quran dan al-hadis. Maka pergunakan lah anugerah dan hadiah kurniaan illahi buat pedoman manusia sejagat sebelum membuat apa apa rumusan serta sebelum menyokong apa apa pandangan. Hukum dalam agama amat mudah dan straight forward. Ada nya hudud dan ada juga kisas. Masing masing memerlukan 4 saksi. Jika tiada janganlah kita memandai mandai menuduh seseorang itu, baik yang melapurkan mahu pun rakyat marhain. Kalau benar pun ia berlaku maka allah sahaja yang akan menghukum nya. Di dunia dia dihina dan diakhirat lebih menyeksakan lagi. Siapa lah kita untuk menghukum.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

cuma sebuah renungan

Kadang kala kita agak keliru tentang apa sebenar nya yang kita kehendaki di alam fana ini. Kita tercari cari, ternanti nanti, tak keruan entah kenapa dan pelbagai lagi fenomena yang kita sendiri tak mengerti apa punca sebenar nya. Saban hari kita di sogok olih peristiwa , di bentak olih ragam manusia dan dinafikan alam sejagat, namun perasaan tercari cari semakin menebal dan igauan semakin membusut. Terfikir juga sampai mana dan sampai bila kecelaruan minda ini dapat diredakan. Adakah kecelaruan minda ini diakhirkan dengan kematian. Adakah kematian itu satu leraian bagi suatu siksaan.
Allahhuakbar, kedengaran azan bergema di corong pembesar suara. Itu lah jawapan bagi persoalan ini. Kembalilah ke jalan nya. Dalam kehidupan yang sesingkat ini, berbaloi kah masa kita yang tinggal sisa sisa cuma dihabiskan dengan kegembiraan yang pura pura belaka. Kehidupan dan kegembiraan yang hakiki kita abaikan. Jangan lah kekesalan cuma timbul bila nyawa sudah di halkum. Tatkala itu tertutup sudah pintu rahmat dan pintu taubat. Jangan lah kekesalan timbul dialam barzah. Diwaktu balasan setimpal dengan amalan. Biarlah kekesalan dilahir dan dizahirkan tanpa menanti waktu. Sesungguhnya waktu tidak menanti kita tapi kita lah yang sepatutnya mengejar waktu.
Fikir fikirkan lah.

Thursday, June 26, 2008.

sebab al musabbab

Pagi ini saya berpeluang mendengar satu ceramah di corong radio yg agak menarik untuk dikongsi bersama. Kata penceramah, 8 batang pokok besar mampu menyejukkan dengan keupayaan 1 hp aircond. Beliau juga ada menyebutkan bahawa sebatang pokok besar mampu memberi oksigen pada seorang manusia untuk seumur hidup nya. Walau pun tiada disertakan dengan scientific backup tetapi ianya amat menarik untuk di kongsi dan di nilai tentang keindahan serta rahsia alam semula jadi ciptaan allah azzawajalla. Segala ciptaan nya ada bersebab, terpulang pada manusia untuk memikirkan nya.
Teringat pula kebaikkan dalam kenaikkan harga minyak. Setidak tidak nya jalan raya dan lebuh raya tidak lah se sesak dahulu.
What a blessings in disguise.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Congratulation Khairul & Wife

Last Saturday night , me and wife went to a wedding reception in Putrajaya. We were received by the groom’s parent and ushered to our seating. What a nice and beautiful place we have here. I belief it belongs to Perbadanan Putrajaya. The surroundings outside is also very conducive and very relaxing in nature. I told my wife may be we could bring our kids to play around the periphery once a while. With the music tendering into our ears, the bride & groom enters the banquet with applause from the floor. After the “tepung tawar” (not sure of the terms in mother’s tongue) they were ushered for “makan beradat” and finally “majlis potong kek”. Before adjoin, the bride & groom shaking hands with all the guests and finally put the rest to the wedding ceremony. It’s a well plan ceremony with a wedding planner I was told.
With this opportunity, I would like to congratulate Khairul Affendi & Wife and wishing them both a Happy Marriage and pray for their happiness forever.

Monday, June 23, 2008.

thank you for coming........

I’m surprised with an email posted requesting me to be part of bunch of people in congratulating employees coming for work early. Since joining, this is the first time ever I’m involved or participating in this kind of event. It’s not that I’m against people who turn up early for work, coz I’m the early bird as well but it’s just the responsibility for all needed to turn up as stated in the terms & conditions. In my opinion, it’s better still to congratulate people with zero M/C or the minimum number of M/C’s in a year. We can even acknowledge him to be “the most fit” of the year and reward him accordingly.
The man with thousand of thoughts.

Friday, June 20, 2008

pitty u hnt

It's about time for HNT to be independent. We've been kind enough to assist since the beginning and it seems as the responsibility is ours. We have been assisting HNT with the HNT doc's during the early days due to the fact that they are not literate with the Catia V4 (during the beginning) and now Catia V5 but still nothing was done to enhance their Catia literacy level. HNT should have taken the initiatives to train their engineer's in Catia so as not to be dependent on someone else to do their task on their behalf. Sorry, reality hurts.

Friday, June 20, 2008

curahan rasa minggu ini

Adilkah bila kita disuruh berperang tapi dalam masa yang sama tidak diperuntukkan dengan senjata mahu pun peralatan yang sepatutnya dan yang mencukupi. Kita bukan minta dibekalkan dengan senjata M16, atau pun M77A Howizer, atau pun Long Range Sniper dan tidak sekali kali Mortar Launcher. Adilkah juga bila kita di suruh berbuat sesuatu tanpa diperuntukkan dengan keperluan asas bagi kerja kerja tersebut. Semua pra syarat itu perlu bagi memastikan peperangan dan perjuangan itu memihak kepada kita. Siapa lah Amerika tanpa senjata ?, siapa juga Israel tanpa Amerika ?. Natijah nya ialah sesiapa juga mahu pun apa juga perlu seiring dan saling memerlukan.
Tapi, itulah hakikatnya yang terjadi disini. Hari berganti minggu, minggu berganti bulan , dan bulan sudah menghampiri ke tahun. Harapan untuk mendapatkan sebuah komputer (Catia V5) bagi merealisasikan impian cuma tinggal harapan. Perlbagai birokrasi ciptaan manusia digubal , bukan untuk menyenangkan manusia tapi merumitkan lagi dan akhir nya walau pun pada asas nya ia nya mudah, tapi barang kali kerana ingin menyelamatkan tengkuk masing masing ia nya menjadi terlalu sukar bagai kan roket sains itu sendiri laku nya. Pada pedas yang terasa, maaf juga yang dipinta. Jumpa lagi dilain lembaran.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

what a week to remember

Hi folks. It’s nice to pen my thoughts after a week of stunning news brought to us by no other that our beloved pm. With various quarter’s expressing their thoughts and concerns and many more planning for so many things………….it’s just amazing and what a week to remember.
With the rise in fuel price and the domino’s effect resulting to that has raised concern among the people of what the gov has done to curb the inflation to a reasonable figure. It’s out of people’s mind whether the advisor’s are really bunch of capable professional’s or just an academia who’s trying to test the theory that they learn while pursuing their post graduate. But, one knows that sometimes, theory is just nice to be presented in slides or journal’s but not really practical in nature considering some X factor’s. Their task is to derive these X factor and grasp it so as to be tabled out in the form of subsidies and for the gov to plan for the short and long term.
I’m puzzled with the comments made by our Minister of ……(Pengguna) a well known figure in this past week, saying that you can’t save Rm2 billion by deducting minister’s allowance. Just because one is angry with the decision to raise the fuel price and finally proposing to cut minister’s allowance.
Why not. At least Selangor’s exco is doing that and they even have done so, long before the gov announcing the fuel price hike. This will show the seriousness by the gov for austerity drive although it might not save Rm2 billion. And finally this morning, it was announced that minister’s will have their entertainment allowance deducted by 10%. Haiiiya, at least something than nothing laa. I would say.
It’s just my 2 cents worth of thought.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Promotion & Upgrading

These topics has been discussed extensively within these few days. Almost all corners people talk about it. Some with a smile and others with a note of frustration. This is also the time that bosses couldn't even dare to look into the eye of their subordinates. Yes, probably they have tried their level best, but one can always say your best isn't good enough.
Must caution here that not everything one asks for one can get.
Well, that's the fact of life.

may 27, 2008

Buckle Up Please..........

Last night when I watched my flat screen tv, I was surprised by comments made by the public. The Government should consider those who are in the kampong’s with 7 kids, how are they suppose to wear a Rear Seat Belt ? Then come another Taxi driver who said that it’s difficult for them to force the passenger on the rear seat to buckle up. What can they do if they doesn’t want to ?
Well, for me the answer is straight forward. Those in the rear passenger must buckle up. At least 3 of them. The remaining number depends. The Government must endorsed and enforced the regulation on these matter no matter what the public’s perception.
It’s for their own good. We are heading for a civilized nation. No country in these category doesn’t impose these regulations. So, never turn back.

mutiara kata


" Agama buat kehidupan di akhirat, harta buat kehidupan di dunia. Di dunia orang yang tidak berharta berasa susah hati, tetapi orang yang tidak beragama merasa lebih sengsara" -(Saidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq )

" Jangan engkau bersahabat dengan sahabat yang mana dia begitu berharap kepada engkau ketika mahu menyelesaikan masalahnya sahaja sedangkan apabila masalah atau hajatnya telah selesai maka dia memutuskan kemanisan persahabatan. Bersahabatlah dengan mereka yang mempunyai ketinggian dalam melakukan kebaikan, memenuhi janji dalam perkara yang benar, memberi pertolongan kepada engkau serta memadai dengan amanahnya atau sikap bertanggungjawabnya terhadap engkau. " -I mam Umar bin Abdul Aziz